Вакансія: Monitoring & Evaluation Officer – Community Action for HIV control


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Вакансія: Monitoring & Evaluation Officer – Community Action for HIV control

Pact Overview

At the heart of Pact is the promise of a better tomorrow.  The promise of a healthy life.  Of a decent livelihood. Of sustainable natural resources that benefit communities.  Now more than ever in its 42 -year history, Pact is helping millions of people who are poor and marginalized discover and build their own solutions and take ownership over their future.

Pact enables systemic solutions that allow those who are poor and marginalized to earn a dignified living, be healthy, and take part in the benefits that nature provides. Pact accomplishes this by strengthening local capacity, forging effective governance systems, and transforming markets into a force for development.

Department Overview

Pact Inc, is implementing a USAID-funded project Community Action for HIV Control. The project goal is to accelerate Ukraine’s efforts to achieve HIV epidemic control by 2030 by improved prevention, testing and linkage to care among key and priority populations.

Position Purpose

Under the Monitoring&Evaluation and Strategic Information Senior Advisor supervision, the Monitoring&Evaluation Officer (M&E Officer) will provide effective management of program data flow through the maintenance of internal electronic and paper-based recording systems and providing necessary data for program reports and deliverables. The M&E Officer is responsible for the entire cycle of program data operations, including development of program data collection tools, providing guidance/trainings to subgrantees on data collections, data collection, data verification and reporting to USAID. The M&E Officer is also responsible for data analysis and timely provision of information on underreporting of expected results to program staff. In addition, the M&E Officer will also provide the support to program staff in conduction of studies, assessments etc., including input into developing tools of data collection, data analysis and interpretation.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Support project-level monitoring through the maintenance of internal electronic and paper-based recording systems and providing necessary data for program reports and deliverables. 
  • Support the operation of the project level dashboards to visualize of up-to-date and reliable data for timely decision making
  • Review, update and maintain program data collection tools, both electronic and paper-based. 
  • Facilitate data collection, collation and timely reporting by Project’s partners and staff.  
  • Develop and disseminate data collection tools and reporting forms. Provide training to partners and staff on data collection and reporting, as necessary.  
  • Aggregate and analyze partner reports.
  • Support partners in developing and maintaining internal data collection tools and procedures.    
  • Prepare data representing the results of the project’s implementation as requested by partners or donor.
  • Conduct data analysis for internal and external reporting as per USAID and program requirements. 
  • Conducts data verification between the Project’s primary (source) documents and tracking tools/on-line electronic database (EDB). 
  • Conducts data verification of Partner and Project’s generated data. 
  • Support program staff in study/survey designs developments, data collection and interpretation 
  • Participate in the process of building capacity of regional partners of the project in data management, data analysis, data products use for programmatic purposes.
  • Perform all work safely and maintain a safe working environment;
  • Perform other duties as assigned.


  • Experience of work in M&E (preferably in the area of HIV/AIDS)
  • Experience working with community-based organizations and/or key populations in Ukraine
  • Familiarity with ITS “DataCheck” (preferable); 
  • Knowledge and skills on relational data bases and basic skills on SQL
  • Excellent command of MS Excel for data processing and analysis;
  • Experience of reporting (or data preparation) on PEPFAR MER indicators and reporting data through DATIM reporting system

Education and Experience Requirements:

  • Master’s degree in public health, sociology or related discipline or relevant experience.
  • At least 2 years of relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation in Ukraine
  • Experience with data visualization instruments (R’s ggplot2, Shiny packages; Python’s Pandas, Matplotlib packages; Tableau; MS Power BI and the likes).
  • Experience with evaluation and research design, data collection and analyses, indicator construction, curriculum development
  • Experience of analytical notes preparation, reports on the results of data analysis, data visualization
  • Skills on workings with Excel and other MS Office software, database programs
  • Experience with USAID or other donor-funded projects in the area of M&E
  • Strong communication, writing and organizational skills for monitoring and effective reporting
  • Ability to travel within Ukraine and occasionally internationally, when health and safety situation allows.

    To Apply

    Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] with “Monitoring&Evaluation Officer ” in the subject line. Please include at least three contacts of your former supervisors who can provide reference for you. The position is open until filled. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview.

    Pact is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, citizenship status, genetic information, matriculation, family responsibilities, personal appearance, credit information, tobacco use (except in the workplace), membership in an employee organization, or other protected classifications or non-merit factors. 

Останні публікації цього розділу:

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