EiE Specialist (Education in Emergencies Specialist) / Спеціаліст/ка з навчання

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EiE Specialist (Education in Emergencies Specialist) / Спеціаліст/ка з навчання

Who are Plan International?

Plan International is an independent child rights and humanitarian organisation committed to children living a life free of poverty, violence and injustice.

We actively unite children, communities and other people who share our mission to make positive lasting changes in children’s and young people’s lives. We support children to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to claim their rights to a fulfilling life, today and in the future. We place a specific focus on girls and women, who are most often left behind.

We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 75 years and are now active in more than 70 countries.

How have Plan International responded to the Ukraine Crisis?

Since March 2022, Plan International has been responding to the crisis in partnership with civil society organisations in Poland, Romania, and Moldova to meet the needs of those affected by the crisis as well as host communities, and now we are ready to extend our operations in Ukraine itself.

We are supporting an integrated education and child protection response, incorporating mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), with cash and voucher assistance (CVA) as a modality.

What can you bring?

We know that this crisis will have devastating long-term effects on women and children in the region and Plan International will play a vital role in responding to these needs as we continue to establish operations in each of the four countries. We plan to transition from the current support provided globally by Plan International’s teams to locally based, longer term staffing.

The position will continue developing Plan International’s approach to Education in Emergencies across all response locations in Ukraine, in close collaboration with our local implementing partners.

The Education in Emergencies Specialist will ensure that Plan International is following high standards of programme quality, in line with the INEE Minimum Standards and other relevant standards. The post holder will represent Plan International in external fora, ensuring the organisation is seen as a leader in gender focussed programming on humanitarian response in Ukraine.


Programme Delivery

· Visiting partners, schools, non-formal education programmes, early learning centres and intervention sites, collecting feedback from partners and beneficiaries and ensuring any information is passed onto the programs team to refine/improve implementation.

· Work with other Technical Specialists to ensure that the appropriate connections are made to ensure a holistic and inclusive education response, with the integration of MHPSS, child protection and CVA when relevant in education interventions

· Collecting and analysis data, conducting needs assessment for understanding a rapidly context

· Identification intervention gaps, risks and needs

· Support education research, technical reviews and other vetting of documentation as required.

· Providing support to policy and influencing activities at national, regional, and global level in close collaboration with Plan International and in-country teams. Work with the BDM to submit high-quality concept notes and project proposals that are deemed worthy of donor funding.

· Producing high quality reports, including inputs into proposal reports to ensure they are of high quality and timely submitted to NOs/donors.

· Working with MERL Specialist collecting, collating and analysing data to inform better, strategic education programming.


· Build and maintain education partnership processes, focusing on building strategic partnerships with organisations that have the ability to fulfil Plan’s Response Strategy.

· Support education partners with the implementation of activities as per the Detailed Implementation Plan, providing assistance and technical guidance as required.

· Provide EiE trainings for implementing partners to help build capacity

· Support implementing partners to take part and contribute to the Education sub-working groups in their respective locations, including to fill out the 5W and any other relevant Education Working Group documentation

· Working with the Business Development Manager to scope additional Education partners and opportunities for collaboration as needed, with a special focus on national organisations with technical expertise on teacher professional development, disability inclusion and socio-emotional learning

· Working with the Partnership Coordinator, develop and action partnership capacity development plans relating to education.

Coordination Mechanisms

· Supporting needs assessments (joint and / or multi-sectoral) as required

· Participate in relevant Task Teams and Cluster coordination, ensuring that necessary reporting on the 3W/5W is conducted

· Lead the development and implementation Plan’s strategy in the education sector, with a focus on longer-term programming.

· Coordinate with the EiE network, especially with EiE Team from the Ukraine Response Hub (Moldova, Romania, Poland) looking for synergies and opportunities to develop and co-create cross-border projects.

· Act, and maintain as Plan International Ukraine’s focal point with the Ministry of Education and Science and official government channels.

External Representation

· Representing Plan International, coordinate with the education cluster coordination and any relevant forums and working groups set up by national partners for the education response

· Represent Plan International with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, other Government executive bodies, local authorities and communities and decentralised education services at the national and local levels

Safeguarding and PSEA

Ensures that Plan International’s global policies for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Gender Equality and Inclusion are fully embedded in accordance with the principles and requirements of the policy including relevant Implementation Standards and Guidelines as applicable to their area of responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring staff and associates are aware of and understand their responsibilities under these policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), their relevance to their area of work, and that concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate procedures


• Strategy and project planning: Country Director, Director of Programmes, Quality Team Manager, Business Development Manager, Technical Leads (CPiE/MHPSS/CVA)

• Country operations: support staff (HR, Logistics, Finance, ICT, M&E)

• Capacity building: Plan learning team, local partner team

• Advocacy and coordination: MoES, Education Cluster and Sub-Clusters, advocacy


Essential Knowledge

· Significant experience of working in humanitarian crises and contexts,

· Proven skills of inclusive quality education programmes incorporating child-centred teaching and learning to build psychosocial wellbeing and support.

· Knowledge of teacher training in crisis contexts (TiCC)

· Essential knowledge in EiE programming, early childhood development, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) and Social and emotional learning (SEL)

· Knowledge of partner capacity building and strong localisation skills.

· Knowledge of the Ukrainian Education system, and experience working on educational reform.

· Knowledge and key relationships with education external actors, including those from civil society highly desirable.

Essential Skills

· Background in education, humanitarian, development, or related field. Strong knowledge of Education in Emergencies, including INEE Minimum Standards, and integration of Child Protection in EiE.

· Training in gender equality and inclusion in the Education sector

Essential Behaviours

· Strong communication skills and ability to adjust communication to different stakeholders.

· Flexible to adjust to adjust to changing tasks and contexts.

· Collaboration and willingness to support the Plan Int Ukraine team as to where needs are.

· Impeccable organisational and time management skills

· Ability to work in a cross-cultural environment

Essential Experience

· Experience working in complex humanitarian settings and/or working with IDP communities

· Experience working with education in emergencies, working with the Ministry highly desirable

· Experience with external representation and effective relationship building with government counterparts, CSO, NGOs, UN, and other partners.

· Knowledge of the Ukrainian education system

· Ability to work well under pressure and as part of a Team.

Plan International’s Values in Practice

We are open and accountable

  • Promotes a culture of openness and transparency, including with sponsors and donors.
  • Holds self and others accountable to achieve the highest standards of integrity.
  • Consistent and fair in the treatment of people.
  • Open about mistakes and keen to learn from them.
  • Accountable for ensuring we are a safe organisation for all children, girls & young people

We strive for lasting impact

  • Articulates a clear purpose for staff and sets high expectations.
  • Creates a climate of continuous improvement, open to challenge and new ideas.
  • Focuses resources to drive change and maximise long-term impact, responsive to changed priorities or crises.
  • Evidence-based and evaluates effectiveness.

We work well together

  • Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
  • Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
  • Develops trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
  • Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.

We are inclusive and empowering

  • We empower our staff to give their best and develop their potential
  • We respect all people, appreciate differences and challenge equality in our programs and our workplace
  • We support children, girls and young people to increase their confidence and to change their own lives

Please send your CV to [email protected]

Please note that Plan International will never send unsolicited emails requesting payment from candidates.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Секретаріат платформи з Гендерного і інклюзивного відновлення

Послуги Проєктного/ої Координатора/ки

Експерт/ка: Морський транспорт

Експерт/ка: Залізнична інфраструктура

Асистент/ка Відділу Захисту / Protection Field Assistant

Конкурс на надання послуг експерта проєкту «SUN4Ukraine»