Спеціаліст/ка з інформаційно-роз’яснювальної роботи щодо реєстру збитків


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Спеціаліст/ка з інформаційно-роз’яснювальної роботи щодо реєстру збитків

Your role

Working under the supervision of the Head of the Register of Damage for Ukraine (RD4U) Kyiv Office, the mission of the role is to assist with planning, organisation, coordination, implementation and follow up on outreach activities, in close coordination with the Register team and in cooperation with local partners and stakeholders. In this capacity as an Outreach Officer you will:

  • Ensure quality and relevance of the outreach activities and the results achieved in accordance with an outreach workplan and calendar of activities; suggest priorities and adjustments as necessary;
  • Contribute to preparation of reports, analyses and other documents on Register-related matters, such as briefings, speeches, information notes and correspondence;
  • Assist in developing and implementation of awareness raising activities on the role and the mandate of the Register, and the claims’ submission process; facilitate contacts with potential claimants in Ukraine;
  • Contribute to capacity building of municipalities, legal aid providers, civil society organisations, businesses, and other stakeholders on the mandate of the Register, the rules and regulations of the Register, the claims’ submission process and evidence collection;
  • Under co-ordination of the Head of the Kyiv Office of the Register, establish, develop and maintain contacts and working relationships with the representatives of national, regional and local authorities, civil society and the international community acting on the ground with a view to implementing the Register’s outreach and awareness raising activities;
  • Accommodate creation and coordination of the networks/platforms aimed at advising and supporting potential claimants in submitting claims to the Register and harmonization of the outreach activities;
  • Contribute to the development of leaflets, brochures, guides, other information materials and publications covering Register-related matters;
  • Work with consultants when carrying out tasks and missions, providing content-related and administrative support;
  • Contribute to the selection of local service providers and negotiate contracts under supervision of the Head of the Kyiv Office of the Register;
  • Foster the visibility of the Kyiv Office of the Register by drafting/editing web news items and press releases related to the outreach activities and by disseminating information;
  • Undertake official journeys in connection with your duties;
  • Perform other job-related tasks as required;
  • Promote Council of Europe values internally and externally.

As a minimum, you must:

  • hold a completed full course of general secondary education and appropriate professional qualifications in law, international relations, public relations or related field; a relevant university degree is highly desirable;
  • have a minimum of 3 years of relevant professional experience acquired preferably in legal outreach or human rights advocacy in the context of armed conflict, or at least 2 years of experience in public sector institutions working in the relevant fields;
  • have an excellent knowledge of Ukrainian (mother tongue level) and a very good knowledge of English;
  • be a citizen of one of the member states of the Council of Europe, and fulfil the conditions for appointment to the civil service of that state;?have discharged national service (military, civil or comparable);
  • not be the parent, child, stepchild or grandchild of a serving staff member of the Council of Europe;
  • be under the age of 65 years at the date of closure of this vacancy notice.

If successful, you may be offered employment based on temporary contracts at grade B4. Employment is limited to 31 December 2025 and may be extended. You will receive a basic monthly gross salary of €2,315.99 which is exempt from national income tax. This salary may be supplemented by other allowances depending on your personal situation. You will be affiliated to a pension scheme and social and medical insurance. You will also benefit from 32 working days leave per year and other advantages (including flexible working hours, training and development, possibility of teleworking, etc.).

Deadline for applications is 27 August 2024 (midnight CET time). You can apply in English using the Council of Europe online application system on: https://www.coe-recruitment.com/login/login.aspx?vid=2291

All the vacancy details: Vacancy details (coe-recruitment.com)

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