Тендер на розробку функціоналу модулів офіційного вебсайту Центральної Виборчої Комісії


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Тендер на розробку функціоналу модулів офіційного вебсайту Центральної Виборчої Комісії

 Annex 1 Technical Requirements_CEC 


(IFES)LKD_Solicitation RFP CEC website

Request for Proposal (RFP) for procurement of developing of electronic services for the Central Elections Commission’s modernized official website in Ukraine 

Solicitation # RFP-06-2024 

August 27, 2024 


1.1     Purpose

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite prospective contractors (“Bidders”) to submit a written response (“Response”) for the procurement of developing of electronic services for the Central Elections Commission’s modernized official website in Kyiv, Ukraine. The solicitation provides Bidders with the relevant operational and performance requirements.

1.2     Coverage & Participation

IFES reserves the right to reject any and all offers, to add, delete or modify any element of the solicitation at any time without prior notification and without any liability or obligation of any kind.  This RFP does not obligate IFES to enter into a contract nor does it obligate IFES to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of submission of any Response.  

1.3     Zero Tolerance for Fraud

IFES has zero tolerance for fraud. Fraud is any act or omission that intentionally misleads, or attempts to mislead, to obtain a benefit or to avoid an obligation. If you have concerns about potential fraud in any way related to IFES projects, contracts, or activities, please contact IFES’ Compliance Hotline at [email protected] or at +1 202-350-6791.


2.1     The Organization

IFES is an independent, non-governmental organization providing professional support to electoral democracy. IFES supports citizens’ rights to participate in free and fair elections. Our independent expertise strengthens electoral systems and builds local capacity to deliver sustainable solutions.

As the global leader in democracy promotion, we advance good governance and democratic rights by:

  • Providing technical assistance to election officials
  • Empowering the underrepresented to participate in the political process
  • Applying field-based research to improve the electoral cycle

Since 1987, IFES has worked in over 145 countries – from developing democracies, to mature democracies.

2.2     Schedule of Events

The following, tentative schedule will apply to this solicitation. The dates may change in accordance with IFES’ needs or unforeseen circumstances. IFES will communicate changes to the schedule.

  • Issuance of RFP               August 27, 2024
  • Technical Questions/Inquiries Due Till August 30th  COB
  • Answers/Addenda from IFES Till September 2nd  COB
  • RFP Closes September 4th   23:59 Kyiv time.


3.1     Bidders’ Understanding of the Solicitation

Bidders are responsible for understanding the solicitation in its entirety and each of its elements, and should make inquiries to IFES as necessary to ensure such understanding. IFES reserves the right to disqualify any Bidder that it determines, at its sole discretion, does not understand the solicitation or any of its elements. Such disqualification shall be at no fault, cost, or liability whatsoever to IFES.

3.2     Information from IFES

All information provided by IFES in this solicitation is subject to change at any time. IFES makes no certification as to the accuracy of any item, and is not responsible or liable for any use of or reliance on the information or for any claims asserted therefrom.

3.3     Communication

All communications related to the RFP must be in writing.  Verbal communication shall not be effective unless formally confirmed in writing by the procurement official listed in 3.3.1. In no case shall verbal communication govern over written communication.

  • Point of Contact: The sole point of contact for all communication related to this solicitation is listed below.

Dovgyi Maksym

[email protected] and [email protected]

  • Formal Communications shall include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Questions concerning this solicitation must be submitted in writing to the point of contact identified in 3.1.
  • Errors and omissions in this solicitation, as well as enhancements. Bidders should notify IFES of any discrepancies, errors, or omissions that may exist within this solicitation. Bidders should recommend to IFES any enhancements to the work described in the solicitation which might be in IFES’ best interests.
  • Inquiries about technical interpretations must be submitted in writing to the point of contact identified in 3.1.
    • Addenda: IFES will make a good-faith effort to provide a written response to the questions or requests for clarifications in the form of written responses or addenda in accordance with the Schedule of Events.


3.4     Submission

It is mandatory for Bidders to send proposals in electronic copy via e-mail to the point of contact identified in 3.3.1 on or prior to the closing date and time shown in the Schedule of Events with email subject as “RFP for procurement of developing of electronic services for the CEC modernized official website.

3.5     Criteria for Selection

The evaluation of each Response to this solicitation will be based on the criteria outlined below. The purpose of this solicitation is to identify responsible Bidders that have the interest, capability, and financial strength to supply IFES with the product and/or service identified in the Scope of Work.

Evaluation Criteria:

IFES will evaluate responsive offers based on the following criteria:


  1. COST (25 points max): Total cost of development, ownership, including initial costs and long-term maintenance. (Lowest price = 25 points = 100%).


  1. TECHNICAL CAPABILITY (20 points max): Clear and detailed implementation plan. The technical solution proposed and the configuration of the team should meet the requirements of delivered services.


  1. EXPERIENCE AND PAST PERFORMANCE (20 points max): Past experience of providing similar services to governmental institutions in Ukraine within the last five years. Can be proved by written positive feedback from at least two public institutions in Ukraine about the services provided.


  1. TIMELINE (20 points max): Feasibility of the proposed implementation schedule. Preference to the shortest delivery time.
  2. SUPPORT AND MAINTANANCE (15 points max): Quality and availability of support services and maintenance plans

Evaluation Criteria Grading for Each Criterion:

Highly Exceeds Expectations  –  100%

Slightly Exceeds Expectations –  75%

Meets Expectations – 55 %

Meets most but not All Expectations – 45%

Does Not Meet Expectations – <0%

3.6     Selection and Notification

IFES will evaluate Responses to identify responsible Bidders and responsive offers. Finalists will be selected to move into the negotiation phase of this process. Written notification will be sent to finalists via email.


The successful bidder will be expected to provide services on development and implementation of the following functionality of the modernized CEC website:

  1. Development of electronic services (modules) ensuring the possibility of submission of citizens’ appeals and requests for information through the appropriate forms posted on public website:

1.1. “Appeals from citizens”

1.2. “Inquiries on information”

1.3. Application Programming Interface (API) to facilitate the submission of citizens’ appeals and information requests through the website to the Commission’s EDMS

  1. Development of the “Categories” module allowing the automatic creation of summary pages that contain links to category instance pages in the form of lists:

 2.1. Enhancing the administrative module of the website by developing the “Categories” module

  1. Error correction:

Identifying and correcting grammatical errors and typos reported by users during the testing phase of the modernized website to ensure correct display for all major types of web browsers, including Google Chrome and Safari

Detailed technical information described in the annex 1 “Technical Requirements_CEC” Annex 1 Technical Requirements_CEC



5.1     Timeline

Bidders must submit a timeline in the Response showing the time required to produce and consolidate the products and/or deliver services.

5.2     Geographic Code (applicable to USAID funding only)

IFES’ project in Ukraine is funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under Source and Nationality (S/N) Geographic Code 110.937 (please refer to 22 CFR 228.03 for more information). A waiver request may apply to certain offers. If IFES determines a waiver would be necessary, the estimated time required to obtain the waiver will be considered within the “Timeline” in the Evaluation Criteria. IFES encourages all Bidders to consider products that fall under S/N Geographic Code 110.937 whenever possible.

5.3     License, Clearance and Approvals

The Bidders will include in the timeline any time needed to obtain any licenses, clearances, and/or approvals required under local legal requirements to produce or deliver the products and/or services described in the Scope of Work. 



Bidders must provide the following information for their Response to be considered:


Please fill in the following table to ensure all mandatory documents have been included in the request for proposal files before being submitted. All the submitted documents should be valid at the time of submission of the bid and their validity will be further verified at the time of contract agreement. The documentation will have to be updated later on if required.

In case documents are missing include a comment in the “Comment” column, however please consider that the following documents are mandatory and a partial submission of them will lead to an exclusion from the bidding process. Some documents are identified as “Mandatory at Contract signature Stage” so the absence of those at bid opening stage may not lead to elimination.


Будь ласка, заповніть наступну таблицю, щоб переконатися, що всі обов’язкові документи були включені у файли запиту на комерційну пропозицію перед їх поданням. Усі подані документи повинні бути дійсними на момент подання тендерної пропозиції, і їх дійсність буде додатково перевірена на момент укладення контракту. Документація повинна бути оновлена пізніше, якщо це буде потрібно.


Якщо документи відсутні, додайте коментар у стовпці “Коментар”, однак, зверніть увагу, що наступні документи є обов’язковими, і їх часткове подання призведе до виключення з тендерного процесу. Деякі документи позначені як “Обов’язкові на етапі підписання контракту”, тому відсутність цих документів на етапі відкриття тендерних пропозицій може не призвести до виключення.



Documents – Requirements

Yes/ No



Valid Registration documents-Share a copy

Mandatory at bid submission stage/

Реєстраційні/статутні документи компанії – надіслати копії

Обов’язково на стадії подачі пропозиції



Bid validity Period  ( use comment section to confirm how many days of bid validity, considering IFES requires at least 30 calendar days).

Mandatory at bid submission stage/

Період дії пропозиції (в розіділі для коментарів зазначте кількість днів, скількі дійсна ваша пропозиція) IFES вимагає принаймні 30 календарних днів

Обов’язково на стадії подачі пропозиції


30 calendar days


RFP (“Request for Quotation”) & Annexes, filled

Mandatory at bid submission stage/

Надіслати комерційну пропозицію

Обов’язково на стадії подачі пропозиції



Previous experience evidence – share positive references from clients regarding the scoring criteria.

Preferable at bid submission stage, Mandatory before Contract signature Stage


Підтвердження попереднього досвіду – надішліть позитивні відгуки клієнтів згідно критеріїв оцінювання.

Бажано на етапі подання тендерних пропозицій, обов’язково перед етапом підписання контракту




  • Year business was started or established
  • Full name of the legal representative (president or managing director) of the company
  • Name of any individuals or entities that own 50% of more of the company

Mandatory before Contract signature Stage


  • Рік початку або заснування бізнесу
  • ПІБ законного представника (президента або керуючого) компанії
  • Імена будь-яких фізичних або юридичних осіб, які володіють більш ніж 50% акцій компанії

Обов’язково до стадії підписання контракту





7         PRICING

Bidders must complete the following cost breakdown for the implementation of their solution for IFES’ project as described in this solicitation. Bidders must agree to keep these prices valid for a minimum of 90 calendar days.

Pricing must be in US Dollars (USD). Unit prices are required and in the case of discrepancies between unit prices and the total price, the unit price will be taken as reference basis in the evaluation. Technical specifications must be shown for each item.  Payment will be made in Ukraine Hryvna according to the USD exchange rate regarding the National Bank of Ukraine in the day of invoice.



Item Description

Technical Specifications



Unit Price


Total Price



Group 1


Development of electronic services (modules) ensuring the possibility of submission of citizens’ appeals and requests for information through the appropriate forms posted on public website

“Appeals from citizens”

1.2.        “Inquiries on information”

1.3.        Application Programming Interface (API) to facilitate the submission of citizens’ appeals and information requests through the website to the Commission’s EDMS


Subtotal Group 1




Taxes (if applicable)



Grand Total




8.1     Non-Disclosure Agreement

IFES reserves the right to require the Bidder to enter into a non-disclosure agreement.

8.2     No Collusion

Collusion is strictly prohibited. Collusion is defined as an agreement or compact, written or oral, between two or more parties with the goal of limiting fair and open competition by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding a third party.

8.3     Companies Owned or Controlled by Government

The Bidder must disclose in writing with its Response if a government, its agents, or agencies, have an ownership or managerial interest in the company. Failure to disclose a government ownership of managerial interest in the company will result in the Bidder’s offer being removed from consideration.

8.4     Subcontracting

No subcontracting is allowed under this solicitation.

8.5     Costs

The solicitation does not obligate IFES to pay for any costs, of any kind whatsoever, which may be incurred by a Bidder or third parties, in connection with the Response.

8.6     Intellectual Property

Bidders may not use any intellectual property of IFES including, but not limited to, all logos, trademarks, or trade names of IFES, at any time without the prior written approval of IFES.

8.7     Bidders’ Responses

All accepted Responses and supporting documentation shall become the property of IFES, subject to claims of confidentiality in respect of the Response and supporting documentation.

8.8     Partial Awarding

IFES reserves the right to accept all or part of the Response when awarding a contract.

8.9     No Liability

IFES reserve the right to accept or reject any Response or to stop the procurement process at any time, without assigning any reason or liability. IFES shall not be liable to any Bidder, person, or entity for any losses, expenses, costs, claims, or damages of any kind.

8.10 Entire Solicitation

This solicitation, any addenda to it, and any attached schedules, constitute the entire solicitation.


[End of Solicitation]

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