Технічний/а Супервайзор/ка / Technical Supervisor

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Технічний/а Супервайзор/ка / Technical Supervisor

Deloitte is seeking resumes for qualified candidates to serve as Technical Supervisor for the USAID Health Reform Support project. 

Project Description

The purpose of the USAID Health Reform Support (HRS) project is to support a transparent, accountable, and effective health care system that is capable of meeting the health needs of the Ukrainian people. Advancing health sector reforms, enhancing transparency, and tackling corruption will reduce out-of-pocket payments and improve access and availability of high quality, evidence-based health care services for Ukrainians. Elimination of corruption is a cross-cutting theme across all objectives to be achieved by this activity, which include:

  1. Improve health sector governance.
  2. Support the transformation of the healthcare financing model.
  3. Strengthen the health workforce.
  4. Enhance transparency, accountability, and responsiveness of the health care system.
  5. Improve service delivery system at all levels.


The USAID Health Reform Support (HRS) activity continues to focus on supporting a transparent, accountable, and effective health care system that can meet the health needs of the Ukrainian people. During the war and Ukraine’s simultaneous and subsequent recovery, HRS will prioritize critical activities to fill short-term war-related gaps, aligned with the national-level Comprehensive Recovery Plan of Ukraine, which HRS provided technical assistance to the Government of Ukraine (GOU) in developing for the health sector.

Given the current circumstances, healthcare facilities (HCFs) have an urgent need for generators to be installed to support the continuation of services at these facilities. Activities under this Scope of Work (SOW) are aimed at restoring capacity at select HCFs to provide quality medical services through technical support in procurement, delivery, engineering design, and the installation of generators, in oblasts that have been recently liberated (or de-occupied) and have damaged/disrupted local HCFs.

Technical supervision is carried out by someone who has a qualification certificate issued in accordance with Ukrainian law. The technical supervisor is present during construction to monitor compliance with project decisions and requirements of state standards, building codes and regulations, as well as control over the quality and scope of work performed during construction or modification. The technical supervisor must have 5 – 10 years of previous construction management experience.

Place of Performance

The construction phase will include the assembly of the necessary infrastructure and installation of the generators at the HCF site, MNE Chernihiv Oblast Children’s Hospital (Site 1a), located at 16 Pyrohova St, Chernihiv, Chernihiv Oblast, Ukraine. The Technical Supervisor will monitor the SOW at this site while confirming the design requirements and proper safety regulations and building codes/standards are being implemented. Technical supervisors are to provide support in proximity to their residential and professional spheres of operations. Once construction begins, Deloitte Consulting LLP (“Prime Contractor”), Construction Subcontractor, and the Technical Supervisor will meet as needed to review construction progress, quality, and any other relevant issues.

Scope of Services

Scope of work for the technical support of this construction requested by the Prime Contractor provided to the Technical Supervisor which includes the following:

  • Visit the as needed to confirm compliance of the completed construction and assembly works, foundations, structures, products, materials and equipment with design decisions, requirements of state standards, building norms and rules, technical conditions, and other normative documents.
  • Review weekly reports provided by the Construction Subcontractor as needed to confirm the work reported was performed.
  • Set up video surveillance for the Prime Contractor to have access to the site on a daily basis.
  • Provide reports as needed with photo and video documentation summarizing the week’s activities and work progress. Reports to include sections about project details, work accomplished, manpower, work progress, site conditions, safety, quality control, photos, and videos.
  • Require execution of works in accordance with design and other technical documentation. Confirm compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents regarding the order of execution and acceptance of works.
  • Confirm compliance of the quality of the construction and installation works with design documentation.
  • Validate execution of work by the contractor based on Ukrainian architectural and construction laws.
  • Confirm all fire protection measures are being installed per Ukrainian law and USAID regulations.
  • Maintain records of the accepted and paid construction and installation works, as well as construction and installation works performed with defects.
  • Review and evaluate the results of the completed works, including structural elements and enclosures before they are closed in.
  • Review any required testing, including but not limited to, laboratory tests of materials and structures regarding their compliance with quality certificates.
  • Inform the contractor about non-compliance of products, materials, and equipment with the requirements of regulatory documents.
  • Participate in the inspection by the working commission for the quality of individual structures and assemblies, construction and installation work of all kinds, compliance of mounted special equipment, equipment, and mechanisms with technical conditions.
  • Confirm the generator is properly integrated with the existing electrical infrastructure.
  • Request stoppage of work in the case of the use of materials, parts, structures, and products that do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents.
  • Stop execution of construction and assembly works in case of detection of excessive deformation of the object or any unsafe working conditions.
  • In case of detection of deviations from the design decisions made during the construction of the facility, and the contractor refuses to address them, the person performing technical supervision shall notify the Prime Contractor and the relevant inspection of the state architectural and construction control to take measures in accordance with legislation.
  • Verify redline as-built drawings are being maintained and updated at each site. Prior to their submittal to the A/E, the technical supervisor will be responsible to check and approve all as-built drawings to validate they depict the generator and associated features as constructed and incorporate all revisions.
  • Confirm that all landscaping services are performed to return the site to its original condition.
  • Monitor the formal handover of the generator system to the facility owners. Confirm training around operations and maintenance to facility personnel during handover is being provided. 
  • Confirm that the generators O&M and warranty documents are provided.

Table 1 includes the deliverables the Technical Supervisor shall complete.



Activity Output / Deliverable

Due Date


Provide reports as needed with photo and video documentation summarizing the week’s activities and work progress. Reports to include sections about project details, work accomplished, manpower, work progress, site conditions, safety, quality control, photos, and videos.

Deliverable 1 – Reports

Every two weeks during construction schedule


Review testing reports, including but not limited to, laboratory tests of materials and structures regarding their compliance with quality certificates.

Deliverable 2 – Testing Reports Review

As required per construction schedule


Completed works evaluation for structural elements and enclosures before they are closed in.

Deliverable 3 – Completed Works Evaluation

As required per construction schedule


Provide formal Handover Report showing proper As-Builts were provided, completion of work and final inspections, commissioning, and warranty and Operations & Maintenance documents / training is provided to the owner.

Deliverable 4 – Handover Report

Within 10 calendar days of completion


  • Certified as a Technical Supervisor in Ukraine.
  • Can demonstrate workload or residence in Chernihiv .
  • At least 5 years of experience in the technical supervision or related fields. 
  • Prior work experience with USAID or US based agencies will be an asset.
  • Elementary proficiency in English will be an asset.

Additional Materials

Exhibit L – Final Site 1a Design Documents & Drawings_compressed

Qualified candidates are expected to send their CVs, cover letter, and list of two professional references [email protected] no later than, September  27, 2024. Please indicate the following in the subject field of the email: “Technical Supervisor“. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

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