Equipment for USAID HRS project to support uninterrupted workflow during power outages / Обладнання для Проєкту USAID “Підтримка реформи охорони здоров’я”

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Equipment for USAID HRS project to support uninterrupted workflow during power outages / Обладнання для Проєкту USAID “Підтримка реформи охорони здоров’я”

The purpose of the USAID Health Reform Support (HRS) project is to support a transparent, accountable, and effective health care system that is capable of meeting the health needs of the Ukrainian people. During the war and Ukraine’s simultaneous and subsequent recovery, HRS is prioritizing critical restoration and recovery activities to fill short-term war-related gaps, aligned with the national-level Comprehensive Recovery Plan of Ukraine.

Russia’s ongoing invasion presents significant challenges to the Ukrainian health care system. Given the current circumstances, critical facilities have an urgent need for some equipment to be purchased, which can support the continuation of services during periods of power disruption.


HRS is looking for a vendor(s) which can provide the project with the following equipment:

  • Power stations of different capacity
  • Solar panels, which can be connected/attached to the power stations
  • Starlink devices (devices + monthly subscription)
  • Uninterrupted power supplies

HRS intends to procure the above-listed equipment from a reputable vendor(s), preferably officially registered reseller companies. The size of the procurement will vary depending on the actual need of health care facilities for the equipment once the procurement process is complete; however, the anticipated spending is up to $200,000.00 USD without VAT[1]HRS intends to issue a blank purchase agreement(s) with the ceiling amount valid until March 31, 2025. From November 2024 – March 2025 upon the request from the health care facilities, HRS will procure the equipment from the shortlisted vendor(s). Multiple vendors may be selected in order to fill all needs and to obtain the best value for purchases.

The equipment list include:

  • Power stations with a capacity unit up to 2000w
  • Solar panels compatible with the proposed power stations
  • Residential Starlink[2] kit (generation 2 or 3)
  • Uninterrupted power supplies (UPS) with the capacity up to 2000w

Please note that power stations, solar panels and UPS should be compatible with each other.

  • be officially registered entity in Ukraine and not subject to any sanctions or similar restrictions 
  • preferably, but not mandatory, be an official reseller of the items requested
  • for VAT-payers – possibility to provide VAT exemption; if the company is a single tax payer – no additional requirements 


The vendor’s application should be submitted to [email protected] before the COB, September 30, and should include:

  • Company’s registration and taxpayer documents
  • Letter of interest

[1] the price for goods should be without VAT, as items are going to be procured within the project of international technical assistance in order to achieve results specified in project’s (program’s) Registration card #3986-06. HRS is exempt from VAT under the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the United States of America on humanitarian, technical, and economic cooperation as of May 7, 1992.

[2] The vendor which sells the Starlinks should be also able to provide a monthly subscription.

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