Координатор/ка з економічного відновлення

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Координатор/ка з економічного відновлення


Program: Digital Transformation Activity (DTA)
Position: Economic Recovery Coordinator
Reports to: Senior Manager for Economic Recovery
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
Job Type: Full-time
Start Date: TBD  


Eurasia Foundation (EF) is a US-based non-profit, nonpartisan organization committed to helping citizens in countries in transition realize their full potential and transform their societies. EF supports governments and citizens to enhance responsive, accountable, and transparent governance, and helps citizens build a stronger, more resilient civil society.   

EF is leading implementation of the Digital Transformation Activity (DTA), an innovative eGovernance program that aims to bolster Ukraine’s digital transformation to promote the nation’s economic revitalization, transparency in reconstruction, and democratic governance during the ongoing conflict and beyond. DTA is co-funded by USAID and UK Dev.  

EF is recruiting Economic Recovery Coordinator 

The Economic Recovery Coordinator (ERC) will play a supportive role within the team led by the Senior Manager for Economic Recovery, assisting in coordinating and implementing initiatives aimed at economic revitalization. The ERC will facilitate unbiased digital service provision, particularly by aiding in the enhancement of the eQueue border crossing management system and supporting the digitization of export-related certifications and transport processes. Additionally, the ERC will assist in the integration and streamlining of border management procedures, working closely with entities like the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and the State Customs Service of Ukraine,the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the State Court Administration of Ukraine, the Ministry for Communities, Development and Infrastructure and its respective bodies, and other CEBs responsible for the sectoral reforms. Key responsibilities include contributing to the transformation of licensing and customs clearance procedures through digital systems such as eExcise, eTTN, ePermit, and the Customs Service Single Window. 


Support the development and implementation of digital systems for streamlined customs clearance and export-related processes.

  • Assist in the digitization of export-related processes, working with entities like the State Customs Service of Ukraine.
  •  Aid in the development and implementation of digitalization reform for the State Customs Service of Ukraine, State Tax Service of Ukraine, State Court Administration of Ukraine.Monitor the progress of digitalization projects and report on their implementation and impact.
  • Participate in training businesses and government officials on the use of new digital systems.
  • Collaborate with various stakeholders, including government entities, partners, and businesses, to facilitate economic recovery efforts.
  • Conduct research and analysis to support decision-making and policy formulation related to economic recovery and digital transformation.
  • Assist in the preparation of strategic plans, work plans, concept notes, program narratives, project proposals, and financial planning for component program activities.
  • Contribute weekly, quarterly, and annual reports for the Digital Economy component, ensuring donor requirements are met.
  • Assist in defining priorities and guiding the elaboration of component activities needed to achieve planned goals and meet component KPIs.
  • Assist in monitoring and reporting on the implementation of components developed under the DTA activities after their launch.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.


  • Bachelor’s degree in business administration, economics, public policy, or a related field; advanced degrees or certifications in these areas would be advantageous.
  • At least one to two years of experience with digital system development and implementation, especially in the context of customs clearance and export-related processes.
  • Ability to collaborate effectively within a team and with various stakeholders, including government agencies and business entities.
  • Aptitude for conducting research and analysis to support economic recovery initiatives and decision-making.
  • Willingness to support large-scale projects, particularly in economic revitalization or digital transformation contexts.
  • Flexibility and problem-solving skills, particularly in a dynamic and evolving economic environment.
  • Understanding of best practices in digital governance and anti-corruption.
  • Familiarity with the operating environment and main stakeholders in Ukraine regarding anti-corruption and digital governance efforts.
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Strong planning, writing, communication, and data analytics skills.
  • Proficiency in Ukrainian and English, both written and spoken.

To apply, you must submit a cover letter and resume as a single document via webportal Eurasia Foundation.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Evaluation and Research Assistant, Ukraine Monitoring and Learning Support (UMLS) project / Асистент/ка з оцінювання та дослідження

Фахівець/чиня з комунікацій напряму фандрейзинг

Юрист/ка для розробки інформаційних матеріалів та підтримання правопросвітницького напрямку

Фасилітатор/ка Рад ВПО в Одеській області

Грантовий/а асистент/ка в CIVIC

Фасилітатор/ка Цифрового освітнього центру (Запоріжжя)