Еxpеrt оn Urbаn Plаnnіng (Cаtеgоry 2)

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Еxpеrt оn Urbаn Plаnnіng (Cаtеgоry 2)

1. Objective(s) and Linkages to Reforms

The Recovery and Reform Support Team (RST) at the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine (MDCT or Ministry) is a group of Ukrainian professionals (non-civil servants) funded on a temporary basis through the Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture (URA)[1] programme that provides targeted technical support and assists the Ministry in the design and implementation of priority reforms. The RST will assist in filling capacity gaps in the design and implementation of priority reform strategies and programmes, while strengthening links and partnerships between the Ministry`s priorities and relevant donor support.

Priority areas for the RST at the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine will be: 

  • Transport Infrastructure;
  • Municipal Infrastructure;
  • Regional Development and Decentralisation;
  • Digitalisation;
  • Public Administration Reform and Capacity Building;
  • Public Investment Management. 

Urban planning reform, as part of municipal infrastructure, is one of the top priorities of the Government of Ukraine and the Ministry. It focuses on the digitalisation of urban planning documentation and the provision of information in the urban planning cadastre at the state level.

Building a healthy and transparent system for planning and administrative services in urban development will enable Ukraine to meet international standards, reduce and eliminate corruption risks, and ensure comprehensive recovery from Russia’s full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. Urban planning reform is aimed at the:

  • Implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Land Use Planning” of July 17, 2020, No. 711-IX, in particular, new requirements for the development of urban planning documentation;
  • coordination of the processes of implementing the digitalisation of urban planning documentation and the introduction of an urban planning cadastre at the state level;
  • coordination of the processes of implementing Amendments to the CMU Resolution of May 25, 2011, No. 559 “On Urban Cadastre”;
  • formation of a competitive market in the field of urban planning documentation development in accordance with new requirements;
  • development of urban planning documentation, primarily at the level of territorial communities (comprehensive plans for the spatial development of territories of territorial communities), including ensuring the creation of a cartographic basis, collection of initial data, and coordination of stakeholder interests;
  • enhancement of the institutional capacity of urban planning documentation developers, executive bodies of villages, towns and city councils, and regional state (military) administrations as beneficiaries of urban planning documentation development;
  • enhancement of cooperation with higher education institutions and educational platforms to ensure the implementation of modern approaches and practices, as well as the current legislative framework for the development of urban planning documentation in higher education curricula and short-term training programmes;
  • expert confirms that he or she will not work on the draft law No. 5655 on urban planning.

2. Position and Reporting Line

The Expert on Urban Planning will be a full-time consultant within the RST and will report to the RST Director. The high-level professional will work in close cooperation with the RST Senior Project Manager on Urban Planning and the MDCT Deputy Minister responsible for the Reform.

The expert will draft, supervise and support the necessary products (documents) related to urban planning reform.

3. Duration of the Assignment

The consultancy appointment is expected to start in April 2025. Duration of the assignment is subject to the availability of project funding, the consultant’s performance, and the specific requirements of the RST.

4. Main Duties and Responsibilities

The expert is expected to: 

  • gather, develop and submit all relevant documents and materials (e.g. plans, reports, analyses and proposals) required for all relevant technical assistance projects and expert missions;
  • support the identification, collection, compilation and analysis of relevant data and information;
  • develop, prepare and coordinate the implementation of a strategic framework for reforming the urban planning sector;
  • develop legislation in the field of urban planning reform;
  • ensure the implementation of legal acts developed in urban planning , including but not limited to laws, regulations, state building codes and bylaws;
  • provide regular progress reports to the RST Director, the Ministry and other stakeholders;
  • ensure transparency of the reform design and implementation;
  • perform other duties as assigned by the RST Director.

 Expected deliverables: 

  • proposed roadmap for further steps to implement urban planning reform;
  • recommendations to the document for strengthening the capacity of executive bodies of territorial communities in urban planning, including their role as customers for urban planning documentation;
  • developed strategic framework for reforming the urban planning sector, prepared and coordinated for implementation;
  • report on best international practices for the digitalisation of urban planning documentation, with recommendations for implementation;
  • progress reports on the development and implementation of urban planning reform, including updates on the Urban Planning Cadastre system at the state level;
  • engagement plan and records of interactions with urban planning documentation developers, state bodies at regional and national levels, and representatives of the State Geocadastre. 

The specified lists of the scope of work and services can be modified and supplemented on request from the Ministry and agreement with the EBRD and the EU Delegation to Ukraine.

5, Qualifications, Skills and Experience

5.1. Qualifications and Skills: 

  • Master’s degree, preferably in Architecture, Urban Planning, Geography, Construction, Law, Management, or Public Administration;
  • strong organisational, communication and presentation skills;
  • deep knowledge of regulations and specificity of state bodies activities;
  • PC literacy in Microsoft software (PowerPoint, Excel, Word; Project), Google Apps (Gmail, Calendar, Google Docs);
  • fluency (both written and spoken ) in Ukrainian and English. 

5.2. Professional Experience: 

  • Minimum 5 years of general professional experience;
  • at least 3 years of experience in urban planning or related areas. 

5.3. Other Competencies:

  • Experience working with geospatial databases, GIS technologies, IT-related services, and international standards;
  • experience in developing urban planning documentation;
  • familiarity with current Ukraine’s reform agenda, good understanding of policy formulation processes and policy dialogues is an asset;
  • experience with government entities and their mandate and processes is an asset.

6. Funding Source 

The funding source of this assignment is the EBRD Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account (MDA). Contributors to the MDA are Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union. 

Please note, selection and contracting will be subject to the availability of funding.

7. Submissions

Submissions must be prepared in English only and be delivered electronically by March 26, 2025, 23:59 (Kyiv time) to [email protected]

All submissions must include:

  • completed Application Form;
  • candidate’s Curriculum Vitae;
  • NDA form;
  • contact details for three referees who, if contacted, can attest to the professional and/or educational background of the candidate. 

Only applications, which have been submitted using the correct template and are fully completed, will be considered. 

Important notice: only Ukrainian nationals are eligible to apply; civil servants are not eligible to apply unless 6 months have elapsed since they left such employment.

8. Selection Procedure

Following the evaluation of all applications received, selected candidates may be invited to the written tests. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to the interview.

[1] Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture (URA) is a comprehensive technical assistance programme deployed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with the European Union, to support critical recovery and reform processes in Ukraine. URA is financed from the Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account (MDA) managed by the EBRD.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Послуги супервізора/ки

Фахівець/чиня з мобілізації ресурсів

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