Еxpеrt оn Urbаn Trаnspоrt (Cаtеgоry 2)
1. Objective(s) and Linkages to Reforms
The Recovery and Reform Support Team (RST) at the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine (MDCT or the Ministry) is a group of Ukrainian professionals (non-civil servants) funded on a temporary basis through the Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture (URA)[1] programme that provides targeted technical support and assists the Ministry in the design and implementation of priority reforms. The RST will assist in filling capacity gaps in the design and implementation of priority reform strategies and programmes, while strengthening links and partnerships between the Ministry`s priorities and relevant donor support.
Priority areas for the RST at the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine will be:
- Transport Infrastructure;
- Municipal Infrastructure;
- Regional Development and Decentralisation;
- Digitalisation;
- Public Administration Reform and Capacity Building;
- Public Investment Management.
Urban transport reform is one of the top priorities of the Government of Ukraine and the Ministry. Reforming the urban transport sector in line with European models—particularly by developing multimodal passenger transportation, introducing a “single transport ticket”, and decentralising transportation services—is among the key indicators of Ukraine’s National Transport Strategy for the period up to 2030 and serves as an important prerequisite for Ukraine’s European integration course.
Expert on Urban Transport will be primarily responsible for providing support to the Ministry in the implementation of urban transport reform following the requirements of the EU acquis and taking into account priorities defined in the Ukraine Plan, Annual European Commission’s Enlargement Reports on Ukraine, National Transport Strategy of Ukraine up to 2030, and others, namely developing and supporting draft laws and by-laws, preparing analytical, presentational and informational materials, providing consultancy advice, organising events and meetings, etc. The Expert on Urban Transport will also provide the Ministry with other needed support in the accession process related to urban transport and in solving legal and organisational issues related to the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Lanes project.
2. Position and Reporting Line
Expert on Urban Transport will be a full-time consultant at the RST and work closely with the RST Senior Project Manager (SPM) on Roads and Border Crossing Points. The Expert will primarily cooperate with the Department on Passenger Transportation of the Ministry, and to a lesser extent – with other structural units of the Ministry, the Agency for Restoration, public & NGOs, and business associations.
The Expert will be subordinated to the RST Director, and on their absence to the RST Deputy Director on Transport Infrastructure.
3. Duration of the Assignment
The consultancy appointment is expected to start in April 2025. Duration of the assignment is subject to the availability of project funding, the consultant’s performance, and the specific requirements of the RST.
4. Main Duties and Responsibilities
The consultant is expected to provide support to the Ministry with the following:
- coordination of urban transport reform (in close cooperation with the Department on Passenger Transportation of the Ministry), as per recommendations outlined in key strategic documents – Ukraine Plan, Annual European Commission’s Enlargement Reports on Ukraine, National Transport Strategy of Ukraine up to 2030, and others, in the following areas:
- analysis of current legislation in the urban sector and preparing comments on its improvement;
- analysis of European legislation and policies in the field of urban transport;drafting other laws and secondary legislation, amendments for the implementation of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “Road Transport” and Code of Administrative Offenses;
- preparation of draft laws and by-laws during their approval process in the Ministries, Cabinet of Ministers, Parliament, and other state agencies;
- establishment (reorganisation) of public administration bodies in the field of urban transport in accordance with relevant EU regulations;
- development of multimodal passenger transportation and the introduction of a “single transport ticket”, all in line with the EU acquis;
- implementation of the public service obligations (PSO) concept for passenger transportation;
- improvement of urban operational processes and services;
- development of the updated edition of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine, planning of the activities of the Ministry in the process of European integration of Ukraine in the part related to urban transport;
- perform other responsibilities as assigned by the RST Director.
Expected Deliverables:
- Analytical report on current urban transport legislation, including proposals for its improvement;
- comparative analysis of European urban transport legislation and policies, with recommendations for aligning Ukrainian legislation;
- draft laws and bylaws prepared, including supporting materials, to facilitate the implementation of EU acts;
- documentation and support materials developed for the approval process of draft laws and by-laws in Ministries, the Cabinet of Ministers, Parliament, and other state agencies;
- updated roadmap for urban transport reform, incorporating new proposals;
- assessment report on Ukrainian urban transport state enterprises, including analysis of current activities, material and technical base, and recommendations for efficiency improvement and optimisation;
- feasibility studies and implementation support for infrastructure and public-private partnership (PPP) projects in urban transport.
The specified lists of the scope of work, services and expected deliverables can be modified and supplemented on request from the Ministry and agreement with the EBRD and the EU Delegation to Ukraine.
5. Qualifications, Skills and Experience
5.1. Qualifications and Skills:
- Master’s degree (or equivalent of a post-graduate degree) in Transport, Law, Public Policy or other relevant field;
- a post-graduate degree in Project Management, Business Administration, Public Administration/Public Affairs, Political Science, is an advantage;
- good understanding of the Ukrainian legislative process and legal regulation in the transport sector;
- understanding the peculiarities of the EU legislation system in general and EU acquis in relevant sectors in particular;
- strong organisational, communication and presentation skills;
- ability to learn quickly and apply gained knowledge in practice;
- impeccable ethical standards and personal belief in reforms;
- PC literacy in Microsoft software (PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Project), Google Apps (Gmail, Calendar, Google Docs);
- fluent in Ukrainian and English.
5.2. Professional Experience:
- Minimum 5 years of general professional experience;
- at least 3 years of experience in the transport sector and/or public policy.
5.3. Other Competencies:
- Experience with the reform implementation in Ukraine, especially as related to the transport infrastructure is an advantage;
- proven knowledge and professional experience in urban transport is a strong advantage;
- experience with government entities and their mandate and processes is an asset;
- familiarity with current Ukraine’s reform agenda, good understanding of policy formulation processes and policy dialogues.
6. Funding Source
The funding source of this assignment is the EBRD Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account (MDA). Contributors to the MDA are Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.
Please note, selection and contracting will be subject to the availability of funding.
7. Submissions
Submissions must be prepared in English only and be delivered electronically by March 26, 2025, 23:59 (Kyiv time) to [email protected]
All submissions must include:
- a completed Application Form;
- the candidate’s Curriculum Vitae;
- NDA form;
- contact details of three referees who, if contacted, can attest to the professional and/or educational background of the candidate.
Important notice: only Ukrainian nationals are eligible to apply; civil servants are not eligible to apply unless 6 months have elapsed since they left such employment.
Only applications, which have been submitted using the correct template and are fully completed, will be considered.
8. Selection Procedure
Following the evaluation of all applications received, selected candidates may be invited to the written tests. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to the interview.
[1] Ukraine Recovery and Reform Architecture (URA) is a comprehensive technical assistance programme deployed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with the European Union, to support critical recovery and reform processes in Ukraine. URA is financed from the Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account (MDA) managed by the EBRD.