Короткострокові консультанти для Програми USAID Децентралізація приносить кращі результати та ефективність


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Global Communities, formerly CHF International, is seeking qualified short-term consultants for USAID-funded Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency Program (DOBRE).


Global Communities is leading the consortium implementing USAID DOBRE Program. The Program aims to strengthen local governance to deepen democracy, improve conditions for development of communities and promote stability in 75 communities across seven (7) oblasts in Ukraine: Ternopol, Ivano-Frankivsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, Kharkov, Kirovograd and Kherson. Starting fall 2016, Program is in the stage of gathering information about targeted regions, taking the full stock of stakeholders in the regions and ensuring that Program accounts for external environment trends and challenges.

Goals and objectives:

To support DOBRE Program implementation, Global Communities will contract consultant(s) to achieve the following objectives in its approved work plan:

  1. Mapping of oblast ecosystem: This will include stakeholder analysis, analysis of support for and risks to decentralization, identification of regional disparities and technical gaps, etc.
  2. Feedback to the applicants of the first selection of consolidated communities (CCs): In October 2016 DOBRE Program has conducted selection of the first 25 communities from among 61 applicants. Those who were not selected were informed about the decision; some of the communities requested a more detailed feedback on their application form. Consultants shall provide detailed feedback to up to 10 applicants that were not selected for the participation in the Program to ensure learning.
  3. Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with participating communities: Global Communities have signed MoUs with 8 participating CCs. Consultants will follow up with the selected CCs that held local elections in December and finished their amalgamation process. Consultants will ensure that until end of January 2017 all memorandums will be signed.
  4. Assessments of DOBRE partners of the CCs: Consultants will visit communities and provide support based on the assessments conducted by DOBRE Program in targeted CCs. This will include support to the capacity assessments conducted by Global Communities, support to NDI assessments and other efforts.


For implementation of the above objectives the consultants will conduct the following activities:

  • Desk Research for review of the existing data on CCs;
  • Visits to CCs in seven (7) oblasts;
  • Logistical support and arrangement of the trips of DOBRE team;
  • Meeting with stakeholders on local, oblast and national level;
  • Coordination with CCs and DOBRE implementing partners;
  • Drafting of letters to the CCs that were not selected as part of the first cohort;
  • Oblast mapping report draft and design.

The selection process:

Global Communities will select consultants based on meeting the following criteria:

  • Relevant experience in seven (7) targeted oblast of DOBRE;
  • Experience in assisting local governments in amalgamated communities;
  • Knowledge of key stakeholders in seven (7) oblast;
  • Previous experience working with all-Ukrainian associations;
  • Previous experience working with donor-funded projects, NGOs, etc.

To apply please send your CV as well as cover letter with 1) summary of your experience; 2) oblast(s) that you are proposing to cover to [email protected] indicating “Short-term Consultancy” in the subject line by December 29, 2016.

Short-term consultants should be available to start work immediately.

Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. No telephone inquiries will be accepted.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: GIS Expert, STTA

Вакансія: Local Borrowing and Local Guarantee Expert, STTA

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  • Alesia Gunko

    Hello. Please note: the right version of geographical names are Dnipro (not Dnipropetrovsk), Kharkiv (not Kharkov), Kropyvnytskyi (not Kirovograd), Ternopil (not Ternopol).
    Thank you.