Головний Експерт з управління людськими ресурсами до Секретаріату Кабінету Міністрів України


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Механізм підтримки фахівців для реформ оголошує вакансію Головного HRM експерта до Секретаріату Кабінету Міністрів України (SCMU).

Professionals for Reform Support Mechanism (PRSM) provides human resource support – from managers to technical experts – to critical reform initiatives undertaken by national governmental agencies. PRSM is a multi-donor platform, which improves coordination of donor efforts for greater impact and avoids overlap of donor funding. It does not support routine work of the Government of Ukraine that is normally managed by the civil service.

Reform of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (SCMU) is one of the key reforms of the GoU Action Plan for 2017. This reform is part of the public administration reform (PAR) and stands on the same priority level as the civil service and the central executive bodies’ reforms.
The current speed and quality of reforms at the SCMU are way bellow society and Ministry’s expectations. At the same time, actual changes have not occurred yet due to the lack of strong coordination of the reform process at the SCMU level and absence of qualified staff with required experience and skills.
Acknowledging these issues, support of an experienced Senior Expert on the SCMU restructuring and HRM capacity building at the SCMU is crucial.

Position Summary:
Senior HRM Expert – will be responsible for developing recommendations and provide input for draft regulations necessary to build modern and strong HRM function within SCMU and to streamline the capacity building of SCMU in line with optimization of the organizational structure and core business processes (operational model) of the SCMU.

Preferred Qualifications and Skills:

  • Education: HRM, psychology, economy, business administration;
  • 10 years plus of the total work experience, 3+ years of experience in HR as a consultant or manager with a proven track record of implemented transformations and projects;
  • Deep understanding of the HRM area and organizational transformation;
  • Proven experience with project and change management, analytical skills;
  • Be able to develop and implement internal regulations and understand government bureaucracy dynamics;
  • Experience with high-level negotiations, strong communication and presentation skills;
  • Impeccable ethical standards, outstanding leadership skills;
  • Native Ukrainian with working level of English.

For more detailed information about preferred qualifications and skills, indicative duties and responsibilities, as well as applying procedure, please visit our web-site:


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Фінансовий/а менеджер/ка

Спеціаліст/ка з кадрів

HR менеджер/ка

Менеджер/ка із закупівель

Координатор/ка бази даних

Менеджер/ка з моніторингу та оцінки