Координатор з питань системи управління якістю до робочої групи з підготовки до аудиту Міжнародної морської організації (IMO)


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Механізм підтримки фахівців для реформ оголошує вакансію Координатора з питань системи управління якістю до робочої групу з підготовки до аудиту Міжнародної морської організації (IMO) при Міністерстві інфраструктури України.

Professionals for Reform Support Mechanism (PRSM) provides human resource support – from managers to technical experts – to critical reform initiatives undertaken by national governmental agencies. PRSM is a multi-donor platform, which improves coordination of donor efforts for greater impact and avoids overlap of donor funding. It does not support routine work of the Government of Ukraine that is normally managed by the civil service.

A comprehensive needs assessment jointly undertaken by the Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI) and Transport Canada was completed in January 2017. The focus of the assessment was Ukraine’s maritime safety and security. The findings of the assessment identified the upcoming International Maritime Organization (IMO) Member State Audit (MSA) as a key reform priority. The audit is scheduled for March 2018 and preparation will require considerable effort and support. To support the MoI in this preparation effort, it was jointly determined that an IMO Audit Project Management Office, to be staffed by a mix of MoI personnel and external experts, would be the most efficient and effective mechanism. A draft road map for this preparation process has been developed and this road map will become the focus of the work of this Office.

Position Summary:
The Quality management System Coordinator will be responsible for the day-to-day management and implementation of the Project, including all substantive and administrative matters.

Preferred Qualifications and Skills:

  • Master degree or equivalent in Technical discipline, preferably in Quality Control management;
  • Minimum 2 years of experience as a Quality Manager;
  • Trained lead auditor with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in auditing – ISO systems;
  • Knowledge and experience in documentation as required by ISO ISO9001;
  • Proven ability to draft, edit and produce written proposals and results-focused reports;
  • Excellent facilitation and interpersonal skills;
  • Proven experience working with Government, civil society, international organizations and donors;
  • Advanced PC user;
  • Fluent Ukrainian, Russian and English.

Contract Duration and Timing:
The total duration of the consultancy is expected to be 9 months, with possible extension, based in Kyiv. The Expert will work under the supervision of the Project Manager and in close cooperation with the project team and the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

For more detailed information about preferred qualifications and skills, indicative duties and responsibilities, as well as applying procedure, please visit our web-site:


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