The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” (Alliance) is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, and other dangerous diseases in Ukraine in collaboration with key state partners and civil society organizations through providing financial and technical support to relevant programs covering over 300,000 members of the most vulnerable populations in Ukraine, which is the highest coverage in Europe.
[email protected]
3 Лип 2019
Projeсt Officer: Innovative HIV and Harm Reduction Solutions
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” (Alliance) is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of ...
Детально27 Тра 2019
Рrogram Assistant
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, ...
Детально24 Кві 2019
Senior Projeсt Officer: PWID
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” (Alliance) is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, ...
Детально24 Кві 2019
Projeсt Manager
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” (Alliance) is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, ...
Детально9 Кві 2019
Reсeptionist (Alliance for Public Health)
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, ...
Детально19 Бер 2019
Senior Program Offiсer: Substitution Treatment
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, ...
Детально28 Сер 2018
Projeсt Assistant: Treatment
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” (Alliance) is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, ...
Детально28 Сер 2018
Personal Assistant to Deputy Exeсutive Director: Programs
The International Charitable Foundation (Alliance) is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, viral ...
Детально2 Лип 2018
Senior Project Finance Offiсer (старший фінансовий спеціаліст проекту)
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” (Alliance) is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of ...
Детально26 Чер 2018
Finanсe Officer
The International Charitable Foundation “Alliance for Public Health” (Alliance) is a leading non-governmental professional organization which makes a significant impact on the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, ...
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