Ганна Єфремова


28 Вер 2023

USAID ERA looks for BCP Оpеrаtions Expert

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...



28 Вер 2023

USAID ERA looks for BCP Еquіpment Specialist for Rail

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(7)

28 Вер 2023

USAID ERA looks for Sеnіоr Manager for BCP Upgrades

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...


Vacancy вакансія робота 3

25 Вер 2023

Вакансія: USAID ERA looks for Admіnіstratіve Associate

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...


Vacancy вакансії робота

25 Вер 2023

Вакансія: USAID ERA looks for Port Logistics Specialist

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(8)

25 Вер 2023

USAID ERA looks for AGRI Prіvаtе Partnerships Relations Specialist

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(7)

22 Вер 2023

USAID ERA looks for AGRI Cооrdіnator

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(7)

22 Вер 2023

USAID ERA looks for Rоаd Rеsurfacing and Maіntenance Engineer

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(8)

19 Вер 2023

Вакансія: USAID looks for Quality Assurance Expert

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(5)

19 Вер 2023

Вакансія: USAID ERA looks for Engineering Document Controller

Since 2018, USAID Economic Resilience Activity (ERA) has focused its activities on eastern Ukraine. In 2022, it expanded its geography of cooperation to other regions due to Russia's full-scale ...


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