MEASURE Project Management Systems International (MSI), a Tetra Tech Company

The Monitoring, Evaluation and Audit Services for Reporting (MEASURE) project provides the U.S. State Department (DoS) with monitoring services to monitor the delivery and use of US foreign assistance in Ukraine. The project will involve working with grantees to develop monitoring plans identifying performance indicators to report progress, compiling submitted data into reports for State Department review, and overseeing visits to sites where US assistance is being utilized to verify assistance is being used as intended


22 Тра 2024

Technical Monitoring and Evaluation Consultants / Консультанти/ки з Моніторингу та Оцінки, MEASURE Project

Management Systems International (MSI), a Tetra Tech Company, is a Washington, D.C. metro area management consultancy with a 40-year history of delivering results for our clients. Our expertise is in ...



22 Тра 2024

Sectoral Subject Matter Experts / Галузеві Експерти/ки з моніторингу та оцінки, MEASURE Project

Management Systems International (MSI), a Tetra Tech Company, is a Washington, D.C. metro area management consultancy with a 40-year history of delivering results for our clients. Our expertise is in ...



22 Тра 2024

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist / Спеціаліст/ка з Моніторингу та Оцінки, MEASURE Project

Management Systems International (MSI), a Tetra Tech Company, is a Washington, D.C. metro area management consultancy with a 40-year history of delivering results for our clients. Our expertise is in ...



22 Тра 2024

Administrative and Logistics Manager / Адміністративний/а менеджер/ка, MEASURE Project

Management Systems International (MSI), a Tetra Tech Company, is a Washington, D.C. metro area management consultancy with a 40-year history of delivering results for our clients. Our expertise is in ...


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