Olha Matiahina


4 Жов 2022

Consultant on Internship Programme for Women in STEM Professions | ПРООН – Дедлайн подовжено

UNDP is looking for a highly qualified Consultant with proven expertise in programme management or in-depth knowledge of gender mainstreaming in technical domains to coordinate the Internship ...


Vacancy вакансія(2)

28 Вер 2022

Producer of an online course on digital literacy for people aged 50+ for the Diia.Digital education portal | ПРООН

UNDP is cooperating with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine to produce an entry-level course on digital literacy for elderly persons to be placed on the Osvita.diia.gov.ua portal. As ...


Vacancy вакансія(1)

28 Вер 2022

Procurement Analyst | ПРООН

UNDP is recruiting the Procurement Analyst, who will ensure administration, transparent and efficient provision of procurement services and processes of the Democratic Governance (DG) Programme. The ...



22 Вер 2022

Consultant on Internship Programme for Women in STEM Professions | ПРООН

UNDP is looking for a highly qualified Consultant with proven expertise in programme management or in-depth knowledge of gender mainstreaming in technical domains to coordinate the Internship ...


Vacancy вакансія

14 Вер 2022

National Consultant to conduct Mid-Term Review | ПРООН – Дедлайн подовжено

UNDP seeks to conduct the mid-term review of its DIA Support project, which was launched in 2021 and is being implemented with the support of Sweden, to review the project progress against the ...


Vacancy вакансія робота 3

6 Вер 2022

National Consultant to conduct Mid-Term Review | ПРООН – Дедлайн подовжено

UNDP seeks to conduct the mid-term review of its DIA Support project, which was launched in 2021 and is being implemented with the support of Sweden, to review the project progress against the ...


Vacancy вакансії робота

22 Сер 2022

National Consultant to conduct Mid-Term Review | ПРООН

UNDP is looking to conduct the mid-term review of its DIA Support project, which was launched in 2021 and is being implemented with the support of Sweden, to review the project progress against the ...


Vacancy вакансія

25 Лип 2022

National Consultant-producer for the online learning course on digital accessibility for the Osvita.diia.gov.ua portal | ПРООН

UNDP intends to produce a comprehensive, understandable and easy-to-follow educational product to be efficiently utilized by public authorities for enhancing digital inclusion standards in ...



12 Лип 2022

Consultant on Leadership Programme for Women Involved in Digital Transformation Management | ПРООН – Дедлайн подовжено

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally ...


Конкурс грант(1)

1 Лип 2022

Запрошення до участі у грантовому конкурсі щодо зміцнення інституційної спроможності бібліотек – Хабів цифрової освіти

ПРООН запрошує некомерційні, громадські організації до участі у конкурсі «Зміцнення інституційної спроможності бібліотек - Хабів цифрової освіти для підвищення цифрової грамотності людей, особливо з ...


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