

25 Вер 2023

Спеціаліст/ка з моніторингу та оцінки / Global Rights Compliance

Global Rights Compliance (GRC) is an international legal foundation focused on bringing perpetrators to justice for atrocity crimes. We have a presence in the Hague, London, Washington, and ...


25 Вер 2023

Фахівчиня/ць з фінансів / Finance Officer / Global Rights Compliance

GRC is an international human rights law and development firm based in the Hague, committed to promoting international law, particularly international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights.We are ...


Вакансія 16.05

22 Вер 2023

Молодший/ша юрист/ка for Global Rights Compliance

Global Rights Compliance (GRC) is an international legal foundation focused on bringing perpetrators to justice for atrocity crimes. We have a presence in the Hague, London, Washington, and ...


Vacancy prostirjob

14 Вер 2023

Юридичний/а консультант/ка (національна позиція) / Ukrainian Legal Consultant – Global Rights Compliance

Global Rights Compliance (GRC) is an international legal foundation focused on bringing perpetrators to justice for atrocity crimes. We have a presence in the Hague, London, Washington, and ...


21 Сер 2023

Фахівчиня/-ць з фінансів / Finance Officer / Global Rights Compliance

GRC is an international human rights law and development firm based in the Hague, committed to promoting international law, particularly international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights.We are ...


Vacancy prostirjob

17 Сер 2023

Юрист/-ка в Global Rights Compliance – Legal Adviser / National Lawyer (Investigating war crimes)

Global Rights Compliance (GRC) is an international legal foundation focused on bringing perpetrators to justice for atrocity crimes. We have a presence in the Hague, London, Washington, and ...


8 Сер 2023

Координатор/-ка проєкту пропаганди та юридичної відповідальності у Global Rights Compliance // Project Coordinator Propaganda and Legal Culpability

Global Rights Compliance (GRC) is an international legal foundation focused on bringing perpetrators to justice for atrocity crimes.  We have a presence in the Hague, London, Washington, and ...


4 Сер 2023

Юридичний_а радник_ця до Global Rights Compliance // Legal Adviser Propaganda and Legal Culpability

Global Rights Compliance (GRC) is an international legal foundation focused on bringing perpetrators to justice for atrocity crimes. We have a presence in the Hague, London, Washington, and ...


31 Лип 2023

Спеціаліст(-ка) з моніторингу та оцінки // Global Rights Compliance

Global Rights Compliance (GRC) is an international legal foundation focused on bringing perpetrators to justice for atrocity crimes. We have a presence in the Hague, London, Washington, and ...


5 Лип 2023

Фахівчиня/-ць з фінансів / Finance Officer / Global Rights Compliance

GRC is an international human rights law and development firm based in the Hague, committed to promoting international law, particularly international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights.We are ...


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