USAID Energy Security Project (Implemented by Tetra Tech ES, Inc.)

The Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID project in Ukraine so far. The USAID ESP is implemented by a USAID Contractor, Tetra Tech ES, Inc. The USAID ESP mission is to enhance Ukraine’s energy security, improve the energy legal and regulatory environment in the country, and increase the resilience of Ukraine’s energy supply. USAID ESP works closely with the Government of Ukraine and public stakeholders to develop competitive energy markets. By doing so, USAID ESP will facilitate private sector-led energy investments to provide affordable, reliable, resilient, and secure energy for all Ukrainians.

Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(12)

12 Вер 2023

Regulatory & Legal Strategy Liaison/Координатор(-ка) з регуляторної та правової стратегії

Regulatory & Legal Strategy Liaison, LTTAProject Summary The Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(7)

12 Вер 2023

Deputy Director of Supply Chain Management/Заступник (-ця) директора (-ки) з управління ланцюгами постачання

Deputy Director of supply chain management, LTTAProject SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and ...


Вакансія 26.04

12 Вер 2023

Senior Municipal Energy Policy Advisor/Головний/на радник/ця з питань муніципальної енергетичної політики

The Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID project in Ukraine so far. The USAID ESP is ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(4)

12 Вер 2023

Reporting Analyst/ Аналітик (-иня) звітності

Project SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID project in Ukraine so far. The ...



12 Вер 2023

Procurement Administrator / Адміністратор (-ка) із закупівель

Procurement Administrator, LTTAProject SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(6)

12 Вер 2023

Financial Analyst/ Фінансовий (-а) аналітик (-иня)

Financial Analyst, LTTAProject SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID project ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(2)

12 Вер 2023

Procurement Specialist / Фахівець (-чиня) із закупівель

PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST, LTTAProject SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID ...


Vacancy вакансії робота 1

12 Вер 2023

Procurement Audit Project Manager / Проєктний (-на) менеджер (-ка) із аудиту закупівель

Procurement Audit Project Manager, LTTAProject SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(8)

12 Вер 2023

Electricity Market Integration Coordinator / Координатор (-ка) з питань інтеграції ринку електроенергії

Electricity Market Integration Coordinator, LTTA Project SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(12)

27 Лип 2023

Human Resources (HR) Assistant/ Асистент(-ка) з управління персоналом

Human Resources (HR) AssistantProject SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID ...


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