Протидія пропаганді та дезінформації: українські уроки. Відкриті дискусії в Страсбурзі та Брюсселі

Початок: 11.12.2017
Закінчення: 12.12.2017
Адреса: Страсбург та Брюссель,
Місце: Бельгія


Протидія пропаганді та дезінформації: українські уроки. Відкриті дискусії в Страсбурзі та Брюсселі

This analytical publication was compiled by NGO Internews Ukraine with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the Civic Synergy Project and under the auspices of the Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. Its content is the exclusive responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation.

In Strasbourg

Time: 11 December 2017, 14.30 – 16:30

Venue: Palais de l’Europe, Room 11 

Entrance is free and open for public. Find more details here.

Persons outside of the Council of Europe need to register by e-mail in order to obtain entrance badges. For this purpose please contact Mr Dmytro Nebrat, Deputy to the Permanent Representative of Ukraine at [email protected] and provide your name an title.

Open discussion ‘Counteracting Russian propaganda: lessons and ideas from Ukraine’ will build upon the findings of the book ‘Words and Wars: Ukraine Facing Russian Propaganda’, published by Ukrainian NGO Internews Ukraine, which studies Ukraine’s experience of dealing with Russia’s information warfare.

The project defines specific threats to public opinion, media and political environment of Ukraine, created by the Russian propaganda and ways in which it undermines the image of European values, cooperation and European integration process. It also includes recommendations as for the effective countermeasures to Russian propaganda in Ukraine and worldwide.

In Brussels

Time: 12 December 2017 16:00 – 17:30

Venue: Followed by a networking reception 

Open Society European Policy Institute

Rue du Trône 130, Brussels

Please confirm your participation by 8 December 2017 via the following link.

The Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels and the Open Society European Policy Institute are organising a discussion on how to counter propaganda and disinformation, drawing on Ukraine’s experience. 

Topics of discussion
Over the past years, Ukraine has been at the forefront of counteracting disinformation campaigns and information warfare, emanating from the Russian federation. It experienced the impact of propaganda, disinformation and hybrid war earlier than most European or American societies. While unique, Ukraine’s experience holds broader lessons for how to tackle these emerging phenomena. 
The discussion will build upon the findings of the book: Words and Wars: Ukraine Facing Russian Propaganda, published by Internews Ukraine. The event participants will address the following questions:
• How is Ukraine tackling propaganda and disinformation?
• What lessons can we learn from Ukraine’s experience?
• How could the EU, Ukraine, media professionals and other partners work together to address this issue?
• Rikard Jozwiak, Brussels correspondent, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
• Iskra Kirova, Senior Policy Analyst, Open Society European Policy Institute
• Andriy Kulakov, Programme Director, Internews Ukraine
• Giles Portman, Head of East Stratcom Task Force, European External Action Service
• Volodymyr Yermolenko, Director for European projects, Internews Ukraine
• Olena Prystayko (moderator), Executive Director, Ukrainian Think Tanks Liaison Office in Brussels


We hope that you can join us. Please confirm your participation by 8 December 2017 via the following link. Do not miss the deadline, as space is limited!