USAID Energy Security Project (Implemented by Tetra Tech ES, Inc.)

The Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID project in Ukraine so far. The USAID ESP is implemented by a USAID Contractor, Tetra Tech ES, Inc. The USAID ESP mission is to enhance Ukraine’s energy security, improve the energy legal and regulatory environment in the country, and increase the resilience of Ukraine’s energy supply. USAID ESP works closely with the Government of Ukraine and public stakeholders to develop competitive energy markets. By doing so, USAID ESP will facilitate private sector-led energy investments to provide affordable, reliable, resilient, and secure energy for all Ukrainians.

Vacancy вакансії робота

19 Жов 2023

Старший/а експерт/ка з когенерації / Senior Cogeneration Expert

СТАРШИЙ ЕКСПЕРТ З КОГЕНЕРАЦІЇЗагальна інформація про проектПроект з енергетичної безпеки (ESP) - це семирічний проект, фінансований Агентством Сполучених Штатів з міжнародного розвитку (USAID), і ...


Vacancy вакансії робота

13 Вер 2023

Electricity Market Integration Expert / Експерт (-ка) з питань інтеграції ринку електроенергії

Electricity Market Integration Expert, STTA Project SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the ...


Вакансія_адвокація 09.02

12 Вер 2023

Payroll Specialist/ Фахівець/чиня з нарахування заробітної плати

Payroll SpecialistThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID project in Ukraine so far. ...



12 Вер 2023

Bilingual Editor/Technical Writer/Двомовний/на технічний/на редактор/ка

BILINGUAL EDITOR / TECHNICAL WRITER, STTAThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID ...



12 Вер 2023

Bilingual Writer/Двомовний/на письменник/ця

The Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID project in Ukraine so far. USAID ESP is ...



12 Вер 2023

Media Monitoring Specialist/ Фахівець/чиня з медіа моніторингу

Media Monitoring Specialist, STTAThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID project in ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(4)

12 Вер 2023

District Heating Economist/Економіст(-ка) з питань центрального теплопостачання

DISTRICT HEATING ECONOMISTProject SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(2)

12 Вер 2023

Senior Legal Expert/ Головний (-на) експерт (-ка) з юридичних питань

Senior Legal Expert Project SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID project in ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(7)

12 Вер 2023

Senior Cogeneration Expert/Головний(-на) експерт (-ка) з когенерації

Senior Cogeneration ExpertProject Summary The Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID ...


Vacancy вакансія dfrfycsz(5)

12 Вер 2023

Power System Planning Expert/ Експерт(-ка) з планування енергосистеми

Power System Planning ExpertProject SummaryThe Energy Security Project (ESP) is a seven-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the largest USAID ...


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